Plugin/include issue? [Strange]

xF , as it is a Server Lag , you could find it out from the server logs. Use , crashdetect and nativechecker plugin.

Copy server.cfg and paste it in your pawn folder change the name to pawn.cfg. After you've done that. Inside

pawn.cfg type " -d3 " and there shouldn't be "" when you type -d3. After you've done that , save that pawn.cfg file

with that " -d3 " and then recompile your script. After you've done that , post your server logs here , that will point

out the line that is causing this problem. It will also point out if any include or plugin is playing a role to make the server


Messages In This Thread
Plugin/include issue? [Strange] - by xF4Life - 13.05.2015, 22:03
Re: Plugin/include issue? [Strange] - by xF4Life - 16.05.2015, 00:13
Re: Plugin/include issue? [Strange] - by DTV - 16.05.2015, 02:36
Re: Plugin/include issue? [Strange] - by xF4Life - 16.05.2015, 09:33
Re: Plugin/include issue? [Strange] - by Nirzor - 16.05.2015, 09:38
Re: Plugin/include issue? [Strange] - by xF4Life - 16.05.2015, 10:59
Re: Plugin/include issue? [Strange] - by Nirzor - 16.05.2015, 11:03

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