Bugs in the actor


new Float:server_actorspos[8][4] =
    // x,y,z,a here
    return 1;

Public OnGameModeInit()
    for(new i; i < sizeof(server_actorspos); i++) actors[i] = CreateActor(actorid,x,y,z,a);
    for(new i; i < sizeof(actors); i++) ApplyActorAnimation(actors[i],"DANCING", "dnce_M_a" ,  4.0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); 
    return 1;
I just give you an example

Messages In This Thread
Bugs in the actor - by Ghazal - 14.05.2015, 16:38
Re: Bugs in the actor - by sammp - 14.05.2015, 22:07
Re: Bugs in the actor - by justice96 - 15.05.2015, 01:11
Re: Bugs in the actor - by Crayder - 15.05.2015, 03:56

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