Please Help Profiling my script

Hey guys my script is using 94% of cpu so i wanted to optimise my script so i tried using profiler plugin but it gives this error can anyone tell me how to fix it.

What i did .

1 downloaded profiler latest version
2 copied include and profiler.dll
3 edited config file

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password perfectboyandocbeast
maxplayers 50
port 7777
hostname COD RWW2 SRIZZ
gamemode0 rww2 1
filterscripts DHA Airstrikes afk Helmet randommessages Reaction
plugins profiler streamer sscanf Whirlpool fixes2 AntiCheat
announce 1
query 1
chatlogging 1
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 5
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
profile_gamemode 1
profile_format txt
call_graph 0
But still error

Download pluginn
Please help

Messages In This Thread
Please Help Profiling my script - by perfectboy - 13.05.2015, 09:54
Re: Please Help Profiling my script - by perfectboy - 13.05.2015, 09:58
Re: Please Help Profiling my script - by Sithis - 13.05.2015, 10:08
Re: Please Help Profiling my script - by perfectboy - 13.05.2015, 10:25
Re: Please Help Profiling my script - by Ahmad45123 - 13.05.2015, 10:29
Re: Please Help Profiling my script - by Mauzen - 13.05.2015, 10:34
Re: Please Help Profiling my script - by zT KiNgKoNg - 13.05.2015, 11:57
Re: Please Help Profiling my script - by Mauzen - 13.05.2015, 15:25
Re: Please Help Profiling my script - by perfectboy - 14.05.2015, 14:42
Re: Please Help Profiling my script - by perfectboy - 14.05.2015, 14:55

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