Originally Posted by Joe Staff
pawn Код:
forward LootRespawn(); public LootRespawn() { new Items, amount; for(new i=0; i<MAX_ITEMS; i++) { DeleteAllItems(i); Items = random(sizeof(ItemSpawns)); amount = randomEx(1, 10); if(ItemSpawns[Items][0] == 333 || ItemSpawns[Items][0] == 334 || ItemSpawns[Items][0] == 335 || ItemSpawns[Items][0] == 336 || ItemSpawns[Items][0] == 337 || ItemSpawns[Items][0] == 338 || ItemSpawns[Items][0] == 339 || ItemSpawns[Items][0] == 346 || ItemSpawns[Items][0] == 348 || ItemSpawns[Items][0] == 349 || ItemSpawns[Items][0] == 351 || ItemSpawns[Items][0] == 353 || ItemSpawns[Items][0] == 356 || ItemSpawns[Items][0] == 357 || ItemSpawns[Items][0] == 338) amount = 1; CreateItem(ItemSpawns[Items][0], amount, ItemSpawns[Items][1], 377.64130, 2542.36963, 15.53980, 0, 0); CreateItem(ItemSpawns[Items][0], amount, ItemSpawns[Items][1], 381.50552, 2542.74146, 15.53976, 0, 0); CreateItem(ItemSpawns[Items][0], amount, ItemSpawns[Items][1], 381.19205, 2539.23486, 15.54050, 0, 0); CreateItem(ItemSpawns[Items][0], amount, ItemSpawns[Items][1], 378.27368, 2539.07715, 15.54048, 0, 0); LoadItemVisual(i); } return 1; }
I did this before you posted this and I had no luck (I think anyways, I've lost track of how many things I've been doing to make this work :/)
pawn Код:
forward LootRespawn();
public LootRespawn()
new amount = randomEx(1, 5);
for(new i=0; i<MAX_ITEMS; i++)
for(new i=0; i<sizeof(ItemSpawns); i++)
for(new j=0; j<sizeof(RandomItems); j++)
CreateItem(RandomItems[j][0], amount, RandomItems[j][1], ItemSpawns[i][0], ItemSpawns[i][1], ItemSpawns[i][2], 0, 1);
for(new i=0; i<MAX_ITEMS; i++)
return 1;
I've been trying to try this one, but when I try to connect to localhost, I get this.
[connection] request connection cookie.
Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
Before you ask, I am 100% sure this piece of code is what's causing this issue as I can connect to the server fine when I comment this code out of the script, but I have no clue what's wrong with this as I have something that's does the same type of thing but doesn't pose an issue.
pawn Код:
//The code for reference
forward UpdateHouseData();
public UpdateHouseData()
foreach(Player, i)
for(new j = 0; j<MAX_HOUSES; j++)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 1, House[j][ExtPosX], House[j][ExtPosY], House[j][ExtPosZ]))
ShowHouseInfo(i, j, 2000);
return 1;
EDIT: nvm, this doesn't work.