12.05.2015, 05:33
First you need SAMP SDK which you can download from here
https://github.com/Zeex/sampgdk/releases - Get the latest sampgdk
You can either download the amalgamated version where all the code is put in one file or the win32/linux version where all headers are not combined.
After download include "sampgdk.h" if you have the amalgamated version or include the files which you would need individually if you have non-amalgamated version.
Add the sampgdk library to your linker and also tell your compiler where sampgdk files are or you will get an error telling includes not found because sampgdk uses <> instead of "" for reasons which I don't know.
Ah... I can't tell everything....check this tutorial & the implementers guide
https://github.com/Zeex/sampgdk/releases - Get the latest sampgdk
You can either download the amalgamated version where all the code is put in one file or the win32/linux version where all headers are not combined.
After download include "sampgdk.h" if you have the amalgamated version or include the files which you would need individually if you have non-amalgamated version.
Add the sampgdk library to your linker and also tell your compiler where sampgdk files are or you will get an error telling includes not found because sampgdk uses <> instead of "" for reasons which I don't know.
Ah... I can't tell everything....check this tutorial & the implementers guide