MySQL insert stops in the middle

Here is the debug:

INSERT INTO `cars_system` (`VehicleID`,`Model``Color1`, `Color2`,`Respawn`,`OwnerID`,`Owned`,`Freezed`,`Price`,`Engine`,`Lights`,`Alarm`,`Doors`,`Hood`,`Trunk`,`Object`,`PosX`, `PosY`, `PosZ`, `PosA`) VALUES ('1','402','-1','-1','-1','0','0','1','33','0',
Here is the code:

	if(Player[playerid][AdminLevel] <= 2) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You aren't an admin!");//Check if the player is currently rcon logged in.
	new CarPrice,id = CarsCount,CarModel[32], tmp[128];
	if(sscanf(params,"is[32]",CarPrice, CarModel)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"USAGE: /spawncar <price> <model>");//Checking if the player uses the correct syntax. The parameter "i" in sscanf means integer, also could be used as "d".
	new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z, Float: Angle;//Creating the floats, to store the player's position.
	GetPlayerPos(playerid,x,y,z);//Getting the player's position and storing it
	GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Angle);
        CarID = GetCarIDFromName(CarModel); 

	Vehicle[id][VehicleID] = id;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][Model] = CarID;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][PosX] = x;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][PosY] = y;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][PosZ] = z;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][PosA] = Angle;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][Color1] = -1;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][Color2] = -1;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][Respawn] = -1;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][OwnerID] = 0;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][Owned] = 0;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][Freezed] = 1;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][Price] = CarPrice;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][Engine] = 0;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][Lights] = 0;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][Doors] = 0;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][Alarm] = 0;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][Hood] = 0;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][Trunk] = 0;//Setting the house price to the selected one.
	Vehicle[id][Object] = 1;//Setting the house price to the selected one.

    if (CarID == -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Invalid car name"); 
	Player[playerid][pSpawnVehicle] = CreateVehicle(CarID, x, y, z, Angle, Vehicle[id][Color1], Vehicle[id][Color2], -1);
	LinkVehicleToInterior(Player[playerid][pSpawnVehicle], GetPlayerInterior(playerid));
	SetVehicleParamsEx(Player[playerid][pSpawnVehicle], Vehicle[id][Engine], Vehicle[id][Lights], Vehicle[id][Alarm], Vehicle[id][Doors],  Vehicle[id][Hood],  Vehicle[id][Trunk], Vehicle[id][Object]);
	PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, Player[playerid][pSpawnVehicle], 0);
	format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "[CAR FOR SALE]\n{FFFFFF}Owner: Dealership \nPrice: $%d",Vehicle[id][Price]);
	Create3DTextLabel(tmp, COLOR_SYNTAX,x,y,z, 40.0,0,0);
	SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Car spawned");
	new query[256];
	mysql_format(g_SQL, query, sizeof(query),
	"INSERT INTO `cars_system` (`VehicleID`,`Model``Color1`, `Color2`,`Respawn`,`OwnerID`,`Owned`,`Freezed`,`Price`,`Engine`,`Lights`,`Alarm`,`Doors`,`Hood`,`Trunk`,`Object`,`PosX`, `PosY`, `PosZ`, `PosA`) VALUES ('%i','%i','%i','%i','%i','%i','%i','%i','%i','%i','%i','%i','%i','%i','%i','%i',%f,%f,%f,%f)",
	mysql_tquery(g_SQL, query, "", "");

	return 1;

Messages In This Thread
MySQL insert stops in the middle - by Zloto - 11.05.2015, 22:14
Re: MySQL insert stops in the middle - by Joe Staff - 11.05.2015, 23:27
Re: MySQL insert stops in the middle - by Zloto - 12.05.2015, 00:02
Re: MySQL insert stops in the middle - by Sithis - 12.05.2015, 08:34
Re: MySQL insert stops in the middle - by X337 - 12.05.2015, 11:54
Re: MySQL insert stops in the middle - by Smileys - 12.05.2015, 12:03

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