11.05.2015, 09:12
У тебя неверный код создания паролей, потому что это
$2a$13$0JTU7XJyyf56U2Rk8UcA8.6/HnivemOUSjgfi2LX3hZ.c3prn0wFS |
$2a$13$0JTU7XJyyf56U2Rk8UcA8.6/HnivemOUSjgfi2LX3hZ.c3prn0wFS - это из members_pass_hash
PHP код:
IP.Board stores members' passwords as a salted hash. Both the hash and the salt are stored in the database in the members table as members_pass_hash and members_pass_salt, respectively.
The hash is the md5 sum of the md5 sum of the salt concatenated to the md5 sum of the plaintext password. Expressed in PHP code, this is as follows:
$hash = md5( md5( $salt ) . md5( $password ) );
$hash is the value stored in the database column members_pass_hash.
$salt is the value stored in the database column members_pass_salt.
$password is the plaintext password.
The salt, is a string of 5 random characters including letters, numbers and symbols (specifically, ASCII characters 33-126, excluding 92). You can easily generate a salt using the IPSMember::generatePasswordSalt() method.