[FilterScript] Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!)

Nice. I like the idea.

Just in case it might be useful to you, the hex color for the /dl text is 0x358BD4FF. So you can make the player labels the same color aswell.

Messages In This Thread
Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Gammix - 08.05.2015, 08:42
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Ghazal - 08.05.2015, 08:45
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Emmet_ - 08.05.2015, 08:47
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by LMaxCo - 08.05.2015, 11:48
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by SkyFlare - 08.05.2015, 11:53
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by LazyB0y - 08.05.2015, 12:04
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Luis- - 08.05.2015, 12:06
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by giorgosdim12 - 08.05.2015, 12:13
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Gammix - 08.05.2015, 14:12
AW: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Tommyx3 - 08.05.2015, 14:49
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Gammix - 08.05.2015, 15:15
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by $$inSane - 12.05.2015, 06:25
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Michael B - 12.05.2015, 08:38
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by benjaminjones - 12.05.2015, 13:29
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by X337 - 12.05.2015, 14:04
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by SkyFlare - 13.05.2015, 04:14
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Gammix - 13.05.2015, 04:32
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Vaishnav - 13.05.2015, 04:36
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Gammix - 13.05.2015, 04:39
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Crayder - 13.05.2015, 05:57
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Gammix - 13.05.2015, 06:03
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Vaishnav - 13.05.2015, 06:29
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by AdHaM612 - 13.05.2015, 18:30
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Pottus - 13.05.2015, 18:45
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Gammix - 29.06.2015, 09:48
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by SpikY_ - 29.06.2015, 09:52
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by ItzRbj - 29.06.2015, 10:04
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Uberanwar - 29.06.2015, 10:35
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by DEATHSTROKE - 29.06.2015, 13:20
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Q_Lite - 03.07.2015, 16:27
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by DemME - 26.07.2015, 13:39
Re: Player Labels (/pl - good for spectating and 3D player stats!) - by Gammix - 12.09.2018, 23:53

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