[FilterScript] 0.3.7 Siren command

Originally Posted by bondowocopz
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Is it automatically detected the coordinate of every vehicles to attach the sirens?
I see it's just attaching siren with same coordinate for every vehicles.
AttachObjectToVehicle(objectid, GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 0.009999, -0.019999, 0.854999, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000);
What will be happen if i attach the siren to a monster truck mate?
*Sorry for my bad english.
pawn Код:
stock IsADetectiveVehicle(vehicleid)
    switch (GetVehicleModel(vehicleid)) {
        case 560, 426, 507, 490: return 1; // If you want more cars to use the siren, just add their IDs here.
    return 0;
As you can see from this, the siren is available for IsADetectiveVehicle. Vehicle with IDs: 560, 426, 507, 490. It is not a problem more to be added.

Messages In This Thread
0.3.7 Siren command - by benjaminjones - 06.05.2015, 04:42
Re: 0.3.7 Siren command - by benjaminjones - 06.05.2015, 04:48
Re: 0.3.7 Siren command - by LMaxCo - 06.05.2015, 05:59
Re: 0.3.7 Siren command - by X337 - 07.05.2015, 01:35
Re: 0.3.7 Siren command - by benjaminjones - 07.05.2015, 02:36

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