[SOLVED]To much samp02Xsvr processes

Tried to do that as well, it's the process restart.sh I think but when I try to kill that one it also restarts I gess (they keep coming)

EDIT: It's all fixed , thnx to your clear answer I started once more to try and kill all of those restart.sh processes, they seemed to be with many xD when i got those killed, i started to kill the samp02Xsvr processes. Thnx for your help.

Greetz Riz

Messages In This Thread
[SOLVED]To much samp02Xsvr processes - by Rizard - 22.07.2009, 10:36
Re: To much samp02Xsvr processes - by Westie - 22.07.2009, 10:38
Re: To much samp02Xsvr processes - by Rizard - 22.07.2009, 10:51

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