Incognito Streamer?

Originally Posted by MP2
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The 'server full' attack was fixed in 0.3.7. Before then, if a server got attacked with that vulnerability (or one of the dozens of others fixed over the years) then the host would suffer.
Actually people have already been attacked with the 'server full' attack in 0.3.7.
Originally Posted by MP2
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I sort of agree with you that the host should just host the server and it should be up to the server owner to upgrade, but why on earth would you even WANT to run an old version? New versions bring features, bug fixes and most important, as previously mentioned, security fixes.
That's not the point at all. The point is that they have access to do such upgrades. They should not be allowed to touch your files at all.

Messages In This Thread
Incognito Streamer? - by ilepopivanov - 05.05.2015, 13:21
Re: Incognito Streamer??? - by MP2 - 05.05.2015, 13:25
AW: Incognito Streamer??? - by Mellnik - 05.05.2015, 17:12
Re: AW: Incognito Streamer??? - by MP2 - 05.05.2015, 18:06
Re: AW: Incognito Streamer??? - by Crayder - 06.05.2015, 01:13
Re: AW: Incognito Streamer??? - by MP2 - 06.05.2015, 10:16
Re: AW: Incognito Streamer??? - by Crayder - 06.05.2015, 11:07
Re: Incognito Streamer? - by Jake187 - 09.05.2015, 20:10

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