22.07.2009, 07:19
I remember another thing that made me angry...
... I was in a RP server, there wasn't many people online, mainly admins and about 5 others. I decided to go to LV for a cruise. When I got there, I was frozen, and a admin TP'd to me, and started spazzing, saying that it was a LS based server, so I could not got to LV. I was like "wtf", and we argued for a few mins.
So then he teleports me back to LS, without my car, so I report that I wanted my car back and get nothing. After that, I was like "he said don't go to LV, so I'll go to SF!"
When I got in SF, I ramped out of the tunnel near the airport and failed massively into the water. I had to swim back to shore, but I couldn't because half way back to shore I was banned!
Banned for going to SF... wtf. If you wanted to only have LS, set the world boundaries or something, lol.
... I was in a RP server, there wasn't many people online, mainly admins and about 5 others. I decided to go to LV for a cruise. When I got there, I was frozen, and a admin TP'd to me, and started spazzing, saying that it was a LS based server, so I could not got to LV. I was like "wtf", and we argued for a few mins.
So then he teleports me back to LS, without my car, so I report that I wanted my car back and get nothing. After that, I was like "he said don't go to LV, so I'll go to SF!"
When I got in SF, I ramped out of the tunnel near the airport and failed massively into the water. I had to swim back to shore, but I couldn't because half way back to shore I was banned!
Banned for going to SF... wtf. If you wanted to only have LS, set the world boundaries or something, lol.