Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same...

I remember another thing that made me angry...

... I was in a RP server, there wasn't many people online, mainly admins and about 5 others. I decided to go to LV for a cruise. When I got there, I was frozen, and a admin TP'd to me, and started spazzing, saying that it was a LS based server, so I could not got to LV. I was like "wtf", and we argued for a few mins.

So then he teleports me back to LS, without my car, so I report that I wanted my car back and get nothing. After that, I was like "he said don't go to LV, so I'll go to SF!"

When I got in SF, I ramped out of the tunnel near the airport and failed massively into the water. I had to swim back to shore, but I couldn't because half way back to shore I was banned!

Banned for going to SF... wtf. If you wanted to only have LS, set the world boundaries or something, lol.

Messages In This Thread
Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by XPlatform - 16.07.2009, 02:27
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by CJ101 - 16.07.2009, 02:45
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by Diablosrouge - 16.07.2009, 03:05
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by 6tynine - 16.07.2009, 10:00
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by Westie - 16.07.2009, 11:52
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by XPlatform - 16.07.2009, 20:50
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by MachineHead - 16.07.2009, 20:52
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by Abernethy - 17.07.2009, 03:12
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by [MM]Murphy - 17.07.2009, 12:47
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by Grim_ - 19.07.2009, 22:12
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by Snickers - 21.07.2009, 00:00
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by Diablosrouge - 21.07.2009, 01:23
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by SaW - 22.07.2009, 04:43
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by XPlatform - 22.07.2009, 07:19

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