[HELP] Query Flood

OVH has their game range at SYS http://www.soyoustart.com/ie/innovat.../game-servers/ you could give it a try, what we're doing atm but currently the firewall settings don't work for 0.3.7

But you are not going to really be able to stop a flood via iptables much once it exceeds the servers bandwidth. The best you can do with IPtables is prevent floods from happening at other weak points by limiting the IP addresses and dropping others completely.

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] Query Flood - by Lumabd - 04.05.2015, 22:30
Re: [HELP] Query Flood - by DanLore - 04.05.2015, 22:46
Re: [HELP] Query Flood - by Alex Magaсa - 04.05.2015, 22:48
Re: [HELP] Query Flood - by Jake187 - 05.05.2015, 01:55
Respuesta: [HELP] Query Flood - by Lumabd - 06.05.2015, 06:34

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