Fallout Roleplay Survey

-In the fallout server you should have caps instead of $
-Make nuka cola vending machines.
-Make quests with interactive NPCs. <--- You Must. (also enemy npcs, raiders, ghouls...)
-Make a radioactivity system where the sea can get you health but also rads when you drink it,with certain areas that are radioactive, having a lot of rads would slow you down, buyable radX etc from a merchant with a cow that goes around town :P.
-Instant teleport to areas you have discovered. <--- only if its going to be on-foot only.
-Cars that are fitting for the time before the apocalype (bandito,hotknife,hustler,rustler,freeway) and a huge amount of things that have to be collected in order for these to work.
-EXP & SPECIAL stats system.
-Saved position when you leave so you can restart from the same position when you come back.
-Pip-Boy 3000 with available music,stats, current radioactivity,maybe world chat etc.
-Karma system. (players can give each other karma points, a player can give 1+ karma point or 2- karma point, the amount of karma points that they can give daily depends on their level?
-Trading between players

About races I would support it only if its for humans so "Vault boy/girl (for starting neutral karma) "Talon Company (for bad karma)" and "Regulators" (for good karma), each of them could have bonuses like Talon company gets more damage on ak47,bombs etc regulators get more bonus on m4,satchels...

About the features I agree with:
Unique Scavenging System
House/Business/Vehicle Ownership <--- No Business,only house and vehicle
Unique Environment <----- of course, you could remodel bone county
Dynamic Events (ex. Drought hits, shortage of water results for 1 month ((1 week))) <--- depends on how long they last and what they are about...If its only droughts for 3+ days or more in real life then I wouldnt like this...
Unique Town System <--- sure why not, for the talon company, regulators and a vault for those vault britches
Unique Race System (ex. Ability to play as a Super Mutant) <----- just humans please
Unique Economy System <--- I dont really understand how there would be an economy...

Messages In This Thread
Fallout Roleplay Survey - by DTV - 02.05.2015, 20:21
Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by DRUNKY - 02.05.2015, 20:35
Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by MasonPlay - 02.05.2015, 22:23
Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by DTV - 02.05.2015, 22:30
Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by ZachKnoxx - 02.05.2015, 23:13
Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by Krest - 03.05.2015, 12:10
Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by DTV - 03.05.2015, 20:18
Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by Mauzen - 03.05.2015, 23:45
Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by DTV - 04.05.2015, 02:05
Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by MattyMatty - 04.05.2015, 07:04
Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by Orma - 04.05.2015, 14:34
Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by DTV - 04.05.2015, 19:40
Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by DukeVega - 04.05.2015, 20:37
Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by Orma - 04.05.2015, 21:55
Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by MattyMatty - 05.05.2015, 05:20
Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by DukeVega - 05.05.2015, 12:22
AW: Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by NaS - 05.05.2015, 17:13
Re: AW: Re: Fallout Roleplay Survey - by DTV - 05.05.2015, 17:41

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