Dead Actor VS. Vehicle = Floating Actors!

Description: Well, when actors are dead they have a rough time responding. You can set their health to 100 while they are dead and they do not respawn. You can clear their animations while they are dead and their dead animation remains, therefore they still do not respawn. That's not even why I'm here! I'm here to point out a bug that occurs when they are dead.

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Let's start at their spawn...

* CreateActor, SetActorInvulnerable to false, SetActorHealth to 100.0.
* Hit them with a car, they only get pushed out of the way.
* ** 'Crayder' shoots an actor named 'Kalcor' in the 'head' with a 'Desert Eagle'. **
* Ok, now that he is dead let's hit him with the car again.
* ** Dead 'Kalcor' begins to float. **

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Messages In This Thread
Dead Actor VS. Vehicle = Floating Actors! - by Crayder - 03.05.2015, 22:57
Re: Dead Actor VS. Vehicle = Floating Actors! - by Crayder - 02.08.2015, 22:15
Re: Dead Actor VS. Vehicle = Floating Actors! - by Crayder - 20.09.2015, 06:38
Re: Dead Actor VS. Vehicle = Floating Actors! - by LiamM - 20.09.2015, 09:40

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