Why can not actor walk?

Well in this case you just have the anim's x and y locked. But walking will not be synced, keep that in mind.

Originally Posted by Patrik356b
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If you are really desperate about this, you could set a walk/run animation and use SetActorPos with a repeating function. Though, this will look very choppy/laggy.
If I were to go in depth with walking I'd do exactly this, the only problem is detecting walls/slopes (which I can do with ColAndreas).

Messages In This Thread
Why can not actor walk? - by LikeNPC - 02.05.2015, 08:33
Re: Why can not actor walk? - by ZiGGi - 02.05.2015, 08:36
Re: Why can not actor walk? - by Patrik356b - 02.05.2015, 11:28
Re: Why can not actor walk? - by Crayder - 02.05.2015, 18:31
Re: Why can not actor walk? - by Emmet_ - 02.05.2015, 19:06

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