01.05.2015, 14:12
Ah yes, It's about two different type of working/not working CAR functions :
IsACopCar (Working) :
IsANGCar (Not Working) :
And about player's Membership , There's not any problem.
And also about Array sizes , There's not any problem again ... (As I said on Skype)
IsACopCar (Working) :
PHP код:
stock IsACopCar(vehicleid)
for(new i; i<33; i++)
if(vehicleid == PoliceVeh[i]) return 1;
return 0;
PHP код:
stock IsANGCar(vehicleid)
for(new i; i<65; i++)
if(vehicleid == NGVeh[i]) return 1;
return 0;
And also about Array sizes , There's not any problem again ... (As I said on Skype)