28.04.2015, 22:34
Thanks for the recommendation
Anyways I can't really say LS-RP is the best neither would I even say PR-RP is the best, every server has their advantages and disadvantages. Far as popular heavy RP servers go of course it's mine and LS-RP, I am not here to say don't join LS-RP because to be honest they have a amazing system which is really well organized and a lot of people like it a lot and I can see why but me personally and some others we don't like the style and that is where PR-RP comes into play as a different type of style of heavy RP compared to the others. So to be honest I would even suggest try LS-RP, if you don't like it try PR-RP if you don't like PR-RP I would suggest trying a more lower playerbased roleplay server like True Roleplay which is also an amazing old RP community with it's own unique style. |
I personally don't like your server but that's purely because of the scipt and rules, I've been on PR-RP for some time to know that the management is pretty damn good.