Convert Timer [+REP]

There are many ways to do this, i also suggest not sending the hours/mins because they usually differ to players. So sending DD/MM/YYYY is fine.

//Off the internet, no credits found
GetDateStamp(Time = 0, bool:IsUnixTime = true)
    new hour, minute, sec;
    new secs;
    secs = Time;
    if (IsUnixTime) secs -= gettime();
    secs += sec;
    new mins;
    if (secs >= 60)
        mins = secs / 60;
        secs -= mins * 60;
    mins += minute;
    new hours;
    if (mins >= 60)
        hours = mins / 60;
        mins -= hours * 60;
    hours += hour;
    new Days;
    if (hours >= 24)
        Days = hours / 24;
        hours -= Days * 24;
    new MonthDays[] = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
    new Year;
    new Month;
    new Day;
    if ((Year % 4 == 0) && (Year % 100 != 0) || (Year % 400 == 0)) MonthDays[1] = 29;
    Days += Day;
    new Months;
    while (Days > MonthDays[Month - 1])
        Days -= MonthDays[Month - 1];
    Months += Month;
    new Years;
    if (Months > 12)
        Years = Months / 12;
        Months -= Years * 12;
    Years += Year;
    new YearDay;
    new YearDays[] = {0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334};
    YearDay = Days + YearDays[Months - 1];
    if (Months > 2 && (Year % 4 == 0) && (Year % 100 != 0) || (Year % 400 == 0)) YearDay++;
    new string[64];
    format(string,sizeof (string),"%i-%02i-%i",Days,Months,Years);
    return string;

Messages In This Thread
Convert Timer [+REP] - by arlindi - 26.04.2015, 18:42
Re: Convert Timer [+REP] - by arlindi - 26.04.2015, 19:24
Re: Convert Timer [+REP] - by Evocator - 26.04.2015, 20:52
Re: Convert Timer [+REP] - by arlindi - 26.04.2015, 21:34
Re: Convert Timer [+REP] - by Evocator - 27.04.2015, 03:56
Re: Convert Timer [+REP] - by arlindi - 27.04.2015, 11:33
Re: Convert Timer [+REP] - by Toxik - 27.04.2015, 12:04
Re: Convert Timer [+REP] - by arlindi - 27.04.2015, 12:06

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