Why does anyone who logs in infinitely fall?

Unfortunately that didn't solve the issue. I even removed TogglePlayerSpectating from the registration to see if that would fix it, and it hasn't. Any more ideas? I saw what you were trying to do with that and it made sense but for some reason it didn't fix it.

Messages In This Thread
Why does anyone who logs in infinitely fall? - by K9IsGodly - 25.04.2015, 01:41
Re: Why does anyone who logs in infinitely fall? - by Crayder - 25.04.2015, 01:53
Re: Why does anyone who logs in infinitely fall? - by K9IsGodly - 25.04.2015, 01:57
Re: Why does anyone who logs in infinitely fall? - by Crayder - 25.04.2015, 02:01
Re: Why does anyone who logs in infinitely fall? - by K9IsGodly - 25.04.2015, 02:11
Re: Why does anyone who logs in infinitely fall? - by K9IsGodly - 25.04.2015, 02:43

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