[BUG] SMB Apartments Camera Collisions

Inside, I've tested at the top floor, there's collision problems, when I move around, especially around the corners sometimes I go invisible and cannot see my character, then i move my camera slightly and I can again.

Messages In This Thread
[BUG] SMB Apartments Camera Collisions - by izeatfishz - 23.04.2015, 20:11
Re: [BUG] SMB Apartments Camera Collisions - by Admigo - 23.04.2015, 20:23
Re: [BUG] SMB Apartments Camera Collisions - by izeatfishz - 23.04.2015, 20:29
Re: [BUG] SMB Apartments Camera Collisions - by IstuntmanI - 23.04.2015, 20:35

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