packed string +Rep

That's a huge ass problem, give that much of memory to such a string not to mention that it will also be given to different players. If you understand how binary works, you would puke.
But to clear things for you, what you need to do expecting that the "2000" number that you're using is something like score or money or whatever.
enum PlayerInfos
    String[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], // Just a string to hold the player name
    String2[150], // A string which is an array that holds 150 characters in this case
    Money, // The money amount will be held here in this integer or decimal
    Score, // ...
//Now this will hold different data for different players
Then let's say you have a player, and want to increase his/her money.
pInfos[playerid][Money] += 2000;
If am mistaken about your thoughts please reply back.

Messages In This Thread
packed string +Rep - by iBots - 23.04.2015, 11:16
Re: packed string +Rep - by AberKane - 23.04.2015, 15:15
Re: packed string +Rep - by TakeiT - 23.04.2015, 17:17
Re: packed string +Rep - by AberKane - 23.04.2015, 17:24

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