20.07.2009, 22:20
Originally Posted by wilcock33
Ok hello, there are a couple of things i need help with
1: setting random spawn locations (V.URGENT) 2: setting a color to a certain player(for example, evertime i logged in, my name would appeal blue in the <---- tab box ----> 3: making messages appear in the chat box every so often like this Connected to the fun zone! NAME01:hello Name02:hey SERVER TIPS: remember to join our forum www.(withheld).com <--------- like that! PLEASE HELP!!!! thanks guys |
soo add on callback: public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
SetPlayerColor(playerid,0x0000BBAA); // this is color blue
or i am not sure if u can but i think you can do this :d
on callback: public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
SetPlayerColor(playerid,0x0000BBAA); // this is color blue
so it should look like this
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { SetPlayerColor(playerid,0x0000BBAA); return 1; }
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { SetPlayerColor(playerid,0x0000BBAA); return 1; }
EDIT: For ''Random Messages'' check link that ekeleke post ... https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Random_Messages
i hope i helped