19.04.2015, 15:14
Hello guys, recently had this issue on my new game-mode on version 0.3.7 RC3. I noticed a discussion regarding a high posibility of the error coming from "OnPlayerConnect(playerid)". After scanning through for anything that would kick me I noticed a 'FloodCheck' line of code, from my best guess it was giving me 'X' amount of time to connect and if I failed to successfully connect in that time it would kick me. As you can see from the code here;
Now this could just be my case, I do not know but sharing solutions I guess leads to answers. I spent forever looking for loops, bits and bops in my script that may be causing it. My best advice to anybody who is receiving this error is to check the 'OnPlayerConnect'. Hope I have helped in some way.
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid,3369,123.0469,2587.7422,15.4766,0.25); RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid,3269,123.0469,2587.7422,15.4766,0.25); RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid,3286,392.7109,2596.4531,17.6328,0.25); new str[128]; SetPlayerColor(playerid,-1); SPAWNED[playerid] = 0; ALLOWCHAT[playerid] = 1; CHECKSPAM[playerid] = 0; fc[playerid] = SetTimerEx("FloodCheck",99999,false,"i",playerid); format(str,sizeof(str),"~w~%s ~g~connected.~w~",GetPName(playerid)); UpdateLog(str); return 1;