Bugs that really need fixing in 0.3.7

Originally Posted by zeax
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RemoveBuildingForPlayer() bug:
If you attempt to remove the same building twice for the player, it completely freezes their client and unable to type in dialogs or anything. In windows 8 clients have to actually restart their computers to fix it. Some of you may not think this needs fixed urgently but some scripts can actually need the function to reload maps etc. I am aware of the current workarounds also.
And that is why I put RemoveBuildingForPlayer on OnPlayerConnect to avoid such a bug, just because some people are using some functions wrong that does means they need fixing

Messages In This Thread
Bugs that really need fixing in 0.3.7 - by zeax - 18.04.2015, 17:06
Re: Bugs that really need fixing in 0.3.7 - by n0minal - 18.04.2015, 17:07
Re: Bugs that really need fixing in 0.3.7 - by Abagail - 18.04.2015, 17:23
Re: Bugs that really need fixing in 0.3.7 - by MP2 - 18.04.2015, 17:37
Re: Bugs that really need fixing in 0.3.7 - by dionisak0s - 19.04.2015, 08:45
Re: Bugs that really need fixing in 0.3.7 - by Admigo - 19.04.2015, 09:17
AW: Bugs that really need fixing in 0.3.7 - by Mellnik - 19.04.2015, 09:50
Re: AW: Bugs that really need fixing in 0.3.7 - by Evocator - 19.04.2015, 09:58

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