Cannot connect many NPCs - 'server full attack'

Only using a 500 MS delay and it seems to be working.

Originally Posted by ev0lution
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Are you filling up the server? You can't fill up every slot with an NPC for any amount of time, regardless of your delay - this will trigger the "server full" warning even though the connections are coming from your own server. Presumably this is because you can't have a slot count of 0.
Seems this was the problem. My max players was 8 and maxnpc was 10. Increasing them both seems to have fixed it (for now).

Messages In This Thread
Cannot connect many NPCs - 'server full attack' - by MP2 - 17.04.2015, 12:01
Re: Cannot connect many NPCs - 'server full attack' - by R0 - 17.04.2015, 12:06
Re: Cannot connect many NPCs - 'server full attack' - by ev0lution - 17.04.2015, 12:06
Re: Cannot connect many NPCs - 'server full attack' - by MP2 - 17.04.2015, 12:07

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