14.04.2015, 14:26
Kind of getting confused a bit
Which of the following is it? 1) The table does not exist in the first place. 2) The table exists but the fields gMOTD, etc., are just empty (their value is default (empty string, 0, 0.0, etc)). You can create the table if it doesn't exist if you want to. (Just ignore this reply if you are going to stick with the file based system instead. pawn Код:
2) No , gMOTD....aMOTD is missing, Its not inside the misc, So the problem, Fields gMOTD... aMOTD is missing or not saving. In short, Table misc is empty or does not have any fields.
This is what i mean, CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXIST. THANKS FOR THESE QUERIES. I will try it too.
gMOTD down to HaloweenShop is missing or not exist inside the misc table. In short its not saving too.
gMOTD down to HaloweenShop