14.04.2015, 12:10
From a developer's point of view, I can understand how one can become "addicted" to and grow fond of certain projects.
For me, these have been SA-MP-related projects (my gamemode and its components which originally led me into learning C/C++ and becoming a programmer) and micro-computer related projects (for example, building a home security solution with motion detectors, cameras, SMS notifications and smartphone support).
I can tell from my own experience that when I am working collectively on another system or designing one for which I get paid, I often lose focus and drift to ideas what could be realized in my personal projects. For example something that would require rewiring the whole security system to make it "a bit better" in terms of operating and maintenance.
I think ****** might have run into similar issues. Code work on SA-MP is not something that generates income, but can be very rewarding in terms of learning and self-development. It is, though, very likely that the heavy focus on learning the inner mechanics of bytecode (P-code and amx) and making re-iterations of his projects that were already functional but could be made "a bit more" functional and better-performing, have cost ****** a lot of his free time. The said free time could be spent on other factors of life - the significant other, family, kids, _relaxing_.
While I do agree that deletion of all sources is a reasonable thing to do, there's a lot more to this than blatant selfishness, contrary to what has been said the most in this topic.
****** has some great works. Though, in my opinion many of them rely too highly on corner cases of the specific language and could in no way be "ported" to another, I suppose that has been his mission and computer science is very fascinating. I have once used sscanf and his foreach implementation when writing code in PAWN.
Those are very fascinating bits of code, but I can suggest that people can easily write their own foreach-like code, avoid too many IsPlayerConnected calls (and by that, keep most of the performance win). You could also use an older version of sscanf (the plugin, which in my opinion, is very mature) to parse your strings.
Or better yet, look into C++, which offers several methods for achieving linked list like behavior and I suppose that even the bulkiest ones have performance similar to those "small and fast" ones in PAWN. Look into sampgdk and enjoy faster code and faster self-development for programmers
(This has successfully become a rant about how everyone should check out C++... sorry)
For me, these have been SA-MP-related projects (my gamemode and its components which originally led me into learning C/C++ and becoming a programmer) and micro-computer related projects (for example, building a home security solution with motion detectors, cameras, SMS notifications and smartphone support).
I can tell from my own experience that when I am working collectively on another system or designing one for which I get paid, I often lose focus and drift to ideas what could be realized in my personal projects. For example something that would require rewiring the whole security system to make it "a bit better" in terms of operating and maintenance.
I think ****** might have run into similar issues. Code work on SA-MP is not something that generates income, but can be very rewarding in terms of learning and self-development. It is, though, very likely that the heavy focus on learning the inner mechanics of bytecode (P-code and amx) and making re-iterations of his projects that were already functional but could be made "a bit more" functional and better-performing, have cost ****** a lot of his free time. The said free time could be spent on other factors of life - the significant other, family, kids, _relaxing_.
While I do agree that deletion of all sources is a reasonable thing to do, there's a lot more to this than blatant selfishness, contrary to what has been said the most in this topic.
****** has some great works. Though, in my opinion many of them rely too highly on corner cases of the specific language and could in no way be "ported" to another, I suppose that has been his mission and computer science is very fascinating. I have once used sscanf and his foreach implementation when writing code in PAWN.
Those are very fascinating bits of code, but I can suggest that people can easily write their own foreach-like code, avoid too many IsPlayerConnected calls (and by that, keep most of the performance win). You could also use an older version of sscanf (the plugin, which in my opinion, is very mature) to parse your strings.
Or better yet, look into C++, which offers several methods for achieving linked list like behavior and I suppose that even the bulkiest ones have performance similar to those "small and fast" ones in PAWN. Look into sampgdk and enjoy faster code and faster self-development for programmers

(This has successfully become a rant about how everyone should check out C++... sorry)