Two death message [HELP] +REP

so i use this code that it will tell all player if someone was killed by the other player..

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
    new gunname[32],string[145],fName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],sName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetWeaponName(reason,gunname,sizeof gunname);
    format(string,sizeof string,"%s has been killed by %s with %s",fName,sName,gunname);
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Wasted", 5000, 6);
    SendDeathMessage(killerid, playerid, reason);
and i tested it..but when i died by jumping off the cliff.. the message appear :%s has been killed by %s with

how to make it when i died by jumping off the cliff or drowing not by killed by other player.. the message appeared Example: Player 1 died... HELP ME!

Messages In This Thread
Two death message [HELP] +REP - by Chausar - 12.04.2015, 22:59
Re: Two death message [HELP] +REP - by Hybris - 12.04.2015, 23:05
Re: Two death message [HELP] +REP - by Azula - 12.04.2015, 23:12
Re: Two death message [HELP] +REP - by Chausar - 13.04.2015, 07:28
Re: Two death message [HELP] +REP - by CalvinC - 13.04.2015, 07:32
Re: Two death message [HELP] +REP - by Chausar - 13.04.2015, 08:10
Re: Two death message [HELP] +REP - by mamorunl - 13.04.2015, 09:40

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