12.04.2015, 15:02
It's possible you or someone else has connected NPC's to the server, if you own the server than you'll want to try adding something like this to your script(or even as an FS):
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {
if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) {
new playerIP[32];
GetPlayerIp(playerid, playerIP, sizeof(playerIP));
if(strcmp(playerIP, "", true) == 0)
return 1; // coming from your server
new playerName[24];
GetPlayerName(playerid, playerName, sizeof(playerName));
printf("NPC %s tried to connect from %s, and has been kicked.", playerName, playerIP);
return Kick(playerid);
return 1;