12.04.2015, 00:02
Hello i have problem with timers. I have this
And they just dont work, i mean the tipbot ( message like advert ) and the gamebot ( lottery ) messages comes about 10 minutes later and they come both. Or i see the tip messeges comes 3 at one time with no timer. It seems they dont have timers but i add them and i dont have problems. How to fix this big problem, guys?
//=============================[Timers]========================================= SetTimer("UpdateMoney", 1000, 1); SetTimer("AntiHackCheat", 100, 1); SetTimer("GeneralTimer", 1000, 1); SetTimer("CheckPlayers", 10000, 1); SetTimer("TipBot", 180000, 1); SetTimer("GameBot", 600000, 1); return 1; }