Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same...

Originally Posted by [PTM
Al_Pacino ]
I remember one day in a RP server (i wont say the name, but it is a huge comunity) i was driving around and then suddently an admin says to someone on OOC: Go there and do that.
Guy: Why?
Sounds VERY similar what happened to me on Valhalla. Later got banned for "Disobeying administration." >.>

Anyways, it takes quite alot to piss me off, but the most annoying thing to me is when you put "Don't PM me" in your signature, but people still do it.

Messages In This Thread
Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by XPlatform - 16.07.2009, 02:27
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by CJ101 - 16.07.2009, 02:45
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by Diablosrouge - 16.07.2009, 03:05
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by 6tynine - 16.07.2009, 10:00
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by Westie - 16.07.2009, 11:52
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by XPlatform - 16.07.2009, 20:50
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by MachineHead - 16.07.2009, 20:52
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by Abernethy - 17.07.2009, 03:12
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by [MM]Murphy - 17.07.2009, 12:47
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by Grim_ - 19.07.2009, 22:12
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by Snickers - 21.07.2009, 00:00
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by Diablosrouge - 21.07.2009, 01:23
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by SaW - 22.07.2009, 04:43
Re: Something that makes me... angry-ish, post what makes you feel the same... - by XPlatform - 22.07.2009, 07:19

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