Errors on MSGBOX Dialog

Chucky, STRCAT formats your Dialog's contents, all that text will be inside 1 dialog
See how at the top "new string" is defined
They are both formatted for string, meaning its just extended
and then "ShowPlayerDialog only has "String" where you would type in the text normally, that just redirects it to
strcat instead, or wherever you are formatting "string"

Messages In This Thread
Errors on MSGBOX Dialog - by ChuckyBabe - 10.04.2015, 11:33
Re: Errors on MSGBOX Dialog - by Nicker - 10.04.2015, 12:07
AW: Errors on MSGBOX Dialog - by Mencent - 10.04.2015, 12:10
Re: Errors on MSGBOX Dialog - by ChuckyBabe - 10.04.2015, 12:27
Re: Errors on MSGBOX Dialog - by NinjahZ - 10.04.2015, 17:14

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