[HELP]CP come before cmd

So , see this , i tried to make a cmd , I.e /sms , it will ask for a number that is 477 , if it is yes then he gets cp , if no then a msg will come " sorry ......" , and if he wants it again , so i made redo too..

But when player type /sms he automatic gets the cp , it dont wait for yes or no see this

	new option[20];
		SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "USAGE: /sms <number> <message>");
	if(!strcmp(option, "477 yes", true))
		SendClientMessage(playerid,-1 , " Great! We have a Job for you , come to the Job house. ");
		SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid , 2351.8401,-1170.1030,28.0473 , 2.0);
		return 1;
	if(!strcmp(option, "477 no", true))
		SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 , " Sorry! If you need the job anytime , type /sms redo");
		return 1;
	if(!strcmp(option , "redo",true))
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "USAGE: /sms <number> <message>");
	    return 1;
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_JOB, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Job", "Public Driver Service", "Close", "");
		return 1;

	return 1;

What i want is when player type following cmd those thing must happen

/sms 477 yes >> he must get that msg and CP
/sms 477 no >> he must get that msg , and nothing
/sms redo >> He will get that msg ..

Help please

Messages In This Thread
[HELP]CP come before cmd - by fuckingcruse - 10.04.2015, 10:14
Re: [HELP]CP come before cmd - by De4dpOol - 10.04.2015, 10:25
Re: [HELP]CP come before cmd - by fuckingcruse - 10.04.2015, 10:29
Re: [HELP]CP come before cmd - by fuckingcruse - 10.04.2015, 12:00
Re: [HELP]CP come before cmd - by De4dpOol - 10.04.2015, 12:02
Re: [HELP]CP come before cmd - by fuckingcruse - 10.04.2015, 12:11

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