Sup Homies...textdraws under onplayerconnect :/

Hey im not at all sure whats causing this.
actually it isnt a problem everything is working fine but still
my server uses a lot of textdraw..and a class selection like of a famous tdm server (m not sure if i can name it)
Under OnPlayerConnect im showing the textdraws and setting a settimerex to remove the textdraws later
pawn Код:
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, entry0);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, entry1);
    SetTimerEx("EntryTD", 5000, 0, "i",playerid);
like that ^ all works great just the textdraw shows a bit late the textdraw barely appear for like 1 not sure how do i show them up right after a player connects..? i cant think of anything.

Messages In This Thread
Sup Homies...textdraws under onplayerconnect :/ - by Ritzy2K - 05.04.2015, 13:11
Re: Sup Homies...textdraws under onplayerconnect :/ - by WhoIsYourDaddy - 05.04.2015, 13:15
Re: Sup Homies...textdraws under onplayerconnect :/ - by Ritzy2K - 05.04.2015, 13:25

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