04.04.2015, 17:48
- add a column "acc_disabled" and determine whether its 0 or any larger number.
if 0 means the account is enabled, if its not then the account is disabled, the containing number will be the current time in seconds + the seconds it will be disabled for. - on player connect search for accounts with the same ip, if you find more than 1 then the player has more than one account.
if the ip doesn't match then you will need someone to manually recognize the player or find more information about the ip. - Then learn scripting instead of searching or waiting for someone else to create it for you.
- What is your Favorite Command for server: /kill
- What is your Favorite System for server: Physics
- What you need to create but you cant do it: San Andreas sea z height, object scaling and finding the z height of San Andreas including the objects streamed + the Z height of the surface below the object.
Also set the limit of objects streamed at once (can't make one)