[help]vehicle health on all cars

LAST EDIT: i got it to work with

public OnVehicleStreamIn(vehicleid, forplayerid)

SetVehicleHealth(modelid, 5000);
return 1;

but i had to run it on a filterscript otherwise it wouldnt work it would compile i tried everything and i tried onvehiclestreamin already but it was my gamemode variables i guess

EDIT: lol just when i thought i got it all figured out walk in and out of a checkpoint and vehicle health is back up to 5000

Messages In This Thread
[help]vehicle health on all cars - by PSYCHOBABYKILLA - 02.04.2015, 11:11
Re: [help]vehicle health on all cars - by CalvinC - 02.04.2015, 11:13
Re: [help]vehicle health on all cars - by Konstantinos - 02.04.2015, 11:19
Re: [help]vehicle health on all cars - by PSYCHOBABYKILLA - 02.04.2015, 15:26

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