[Help] Y_INI + Y_INLINE problem at loading single string.

I believe it would be better if explain more what you are trying to make, this is quite easy to make but you do not understand much or i understand what you are trying to make you, there a explanation with another code.

PHP код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <YSI\y_ini>
#include <YSI\y_inline>

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
string[126], Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];

fexist(Name)) // if exist file with your name in script files load {""}
inline LoadString(string:name[], string:value[]) // load ini
INI_String("pName"string126); // load text from line name "pname" in string name "string".
INI_ParseFile(Name"LoadString"); // take effect the above with this,
printf("String loaded: %s"string); // prinf with text loaded
    else if(!
fexist(Name)) // if not exist file in scriptfiles
INI:File INI_Open(Name); // new ini file with name(Name)
INI_SetTag(File"Example"); // tag for load ini affter
INI_WriteString(File"pName""Hello this is INI"); // write line pname whith text hello this..
INI_Close(File); // ini close file.


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