need help attach player object

Its becuase u r attaching it to the same slot (3), you should increase the slot count too:

COMMAND:kamikaze(playerid, params[])  
	if(Kam[playerid] == true) return 1; 
	for(new z = 0 ; z != 9 ; z++) 
        SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, z, KamObjects[z], bone[0][z],KamObjectsPos[z][0], KamObjectsPos[z][1],KamObjectsPos[z][2],KamObjectsPos[z][3], KamObjectsPos[z][4], KamObjectsPos[z][5],1, 1, 1,-1,-1); 
	SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 43); 
    Kam[playerid] = true; 
    return 1; 

Messages In This Thread
need help attach player object - by Golf - 02.04.2015, 09:56
Re: need help attach player object - by Evocator - 02.04.2015, 10:45

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