Array to string

Originally Posted by alexus
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new Input[5] = {a,b,c,d,e};
new Str[sizeof(Input)] = Input;
But I don't understand what do you want. You can use index easily for that:

Input[0] = "a"
Input[1] = "b"
Input = "abcde"

Why to copy that you already have?
It was just an example. The data of Input isn't fixed, it's what the user writes in it. To be more specific it's an input styled dialog and I want to use the given input outside of the callback 'OnDialogResponse' so I need a global variable for it. But you already helped me a lot, thanks guys.

Messages In This Thread
Array to string - by Sickae - 01.04.2015, 16:19
Re: Array to string - by CalvinC - 01.04.2015, 16:41
Re: Array to string - by Sickae - 01.04.2015, 16:49
Re: Array to string - by iggy1 - 01.04.2015, 16:53
Re: Array to string - by admantis - 01.04.2015, 16:56
Respuesta: Array to string - by alexus - 01.04.2015, 17:02
Re: Respuesta: Array to string - by Yashas - 01.04.2015, 17:12
Re: Array to string - by CalvinC - 01.04.2015, 17:20
Re : Array to string - by nicolaskettler - 01.04.2015, 17:38
Re: Respuesta: Array to string - by Sickae - 01.04.2015, 18:15

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