
Well i have made a code under this OnPlayerChangeWeapon ,it works but i found a bug,it is that I have made 2 codes,each code for 1 weapon,like 1 code for deagle and 1 for shotgun,lets say i have a deagle and a shotgun in my hands ,if i change from any gun expect for shotgun to deagle it will do deagle's code,and when i change to shotgun it does shotgun's code,but when i change from shotgun to deagle,deagle code happens and then shotgun code comes after it and bugs the deagle's code,because for each weapon there is a turn on and a turn off,so when i turn on deagle shotgun turns it off because under onplayerchangeweapon deagle's code happens before shtogun's,how is it possible to fix it?

Messages In This Thread
OnPlayerChangeWeapon - by iBots - 01.04.2015, 10:55
Re: OnPlayerChangeWeapon - by De4dpOol - 01.04.2015, 11:01
Re: OnPlayerChangeWeapon - by iBots - 01.04.2015, 11:13
Re: OnPlayerChangeWeapon - by iBots - 01.04.2015, 11:56
Re: OnPlayerChangeWeapon - by Ritzy2K - 01.04.2015, 11:58
Re: OnPlayerChangeWeapon - by iBots - 01.04.2015, 12:20
Re: OnPlayerChangeWeapon - by Ritzy2K - 01.04.2015, 12:23
Re : Re: OnPlayerChangeWeapon - by Golimad - 01.04.2015, 12:23

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