Material of this object?

Originally Posted by admantis
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You can easily find out using the Map Construction program. If you double-click an object, a window will come up with more information. If there are more than 1 txdnames, you have to find out which texture is which using another tool like TXD Workshop. However in this case it's pretty obvious.

In this case, the ID is 16733, the material is 0, the texname is "des_n" and the txdname is "des_dirt1".

I have never thought of this. I have just looked at TXD textures before.

Messages In This Thread
Material of this object? - by davve95 - 20.03.2015, 18:15
Re: Material of this object? - by davve95 - 27.03.2015, 15:56
Re: Material of this object? - by admantis - 27.03.2015, 16:02
Re: Material of this object? - by davve95 - 27.03.2015, 16:04
Re: Material of this object? - by admantis - 27.03.2015, 16:07
Re: Material of this object? - by davve95 - 27.03.2015, 16:08

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