Textdraw for wounded players.

Ive scripted a little script for players that has below 20 hp a red pallete textdraw and a text on thier screen,
The thing is I want them to recieve a two lines message when they reach 20 HP I already scripted it the problem is that the client message is spamming if they have 20 HP i want them to recieve the client message only once here is my code:
public blood(playerid)
	new Float:HP;
	if(HP <= 20)
	GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~w~You've been criticaly wounded!",2000,6);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "** Shooting skills set to - low");
	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "** Combat skills set to - low");
I would be glad if someone could help or fix my code, Thanks in advance.

Messages In This Thread
Textdraw for wounded players. - by AlterEGO - 24.03.2015, 10:23
Re: Textdraw for wounded players. - by Misiur - 24.03.2015, 10:28
Re: Textdraw for wounded players. - by AlterEGO - 24.03.2015, 10:37

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