[FilterScript] Unstick

Originally Posted by GCLeandroGC
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What happens when they get stuck? And update the topic with more usefull informations...

I can't test this at the moment but, if this work, good job!
You get stuck inside another player, and no matter what, you can't get out of them so you have to teleport elsewhere or wait for the player to move. Sometimes, you can break free by jumping, but this script prevents it from happening in the first place.

Messages In This Thread
Unstick - by Nicker - 23.03.2015, 17:59
Re: Unstick - by NikiFor - 23.03.2015, 18:13
Re: Unstick - by Tamer - 23.03.2015, 18:28
Re: Unstick - by Nicker - 23.03.2015, 20:50

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