MoveDynamicObject strange bug

Hello SA-MPers

I recently discovered something strange happening with moving dynamic objects. When I try to move a dynamic object, it just floats away and dissapears after a few seconds. I cannot find anything wrong with my code, I even had someone else doublecheck it for me. Searching ****** and the forum had no results. My code is this. All the coordinates are correct.

if(sMap[id][MAP_OBJECT_DB][ide] == m_objid)
	if(sMoves[i][MOVE_CURPOS] == 0)
		new Float:opos[3], m_debug[128];
		format(m_debug,sizeof(m_debug),"FROM %f, %f, %f",opos[0],opos[1],opos[2]);
       	format(m_debug,sizeof(m_debug),"TO %f, %f, %f",sMoves[i][MOVE_NEWPOS][0], sMoves[i][MOVE_NEWPOS][1], sMoves[i][MOVE_NEWPOS][2]);
		sMoves[i][MOVE_CURPOS] = 1;
		if(sMoves[i][MOVE_NEWPOS][3] == 0.0 && sMoves[i][MOVE_NEWPOS][4] == 0.0 && sMoves[i][MOVE_NEWPOS][5] == 0.0) SendClientMessageToAll(-1,"No rotation"), MoveDynamicObject(sMap[id][MAP_OBJECT_ID][ide], sMoves[i][MOVE_NEWPOS][0], sMoves[i][MOVE_NEWPOS][1], sMoves[i][MOVE_NEWPOS][2],sMoves[i][MOVESPEED]);
		else MoveDynamicObject(sMap[id][MAP_OBJECT_ID][ide], sMoves[i][MOVE_NEWPOS][0], sMoves[i][MOVE_NEWPOS][1], sMoves[i][MOVE_NEWPOS][2],sMoves[i][MOVESPEED],sMoves[i][MOVE_NEWPOS][3],sMoves[i][MOVE_NEWPOS][4],sMoves[i][MOVE_NEWPOS][5]);
		sMoves[i][MOVE_CURPOS] = 0;

		if(sMoves[i][MOVE_OLDPOS][3] == 0.0 && sMoves[i][MOVE_OLDPOS][4] == 0.0 && sMoves[i][MOVE_OLDPOS][5] == 0.0) MoveDynamicObject(sMap[id][MAP_OBJECT_ID][ide], sMoves[i][MOVE_OLDPOS][0], sMoves[i][MOVE_OLDPOS][1], sMoves[i][MOVE_OLDPOS][2],sMoves[i][MOVESPEED]);
		else MoveDynamicObject(sMap[id][MAP_OBJECT_ID][ide], sMoves[i][MOVE_OLDPOS][0], sMoves[i][MOVE_OLDPOS][1], sMoves[i][MOVE_OLDPOS][2],sMoves[i][MOVESPEED],sMoves[i][MOVE_OLDPOS][3],sMoves[i][MOVE_OLDPOS][4],sMoves[i][MOVE_OLDPOS][5]);
	return 1;
Notice the debug text shown in the picture. Some very strange coordinates show up.

Has anyone seen this before? How do I fix this? Helpful comments are rewarded with reps.

Messages In This Thread
MoveDynamicObject strange bug - by shadowdog - 23.03.2015, 13:24
Re: MoveDynamicObject strange bug - by Threshold - 23.03.2015, 13:36
Re: MoveDynamicObject strange bug - by shadowdog - 23.03.2015, 13:47

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