[MAP-FS]Admin House SF by Marsalek

Hi all, I began to do my server again, and so here you said that each site (according to me) Does the House or Admin Admin Isle ... So I created one and I give him, and give. OWN if you want to edit commands, messages, or set the rcon or the level ... Normally going on the road and there are such barriers, among them enter (see photo) and you lift export among such two houses, drive by and there is a second elevator that you export to one house and there it is cottage, the roof is in the middle of te place in the car and in one corner is a tower, be sure to go there to look, there is a nice view of San Fierro. That is all ...

/ ahelp - shows all the commands

/ v1n - 1 will lift up
/ v1d - 1 elevator ride down

/ v2n - 2 will lift up
/ v2d - Elevator 2 go down

/ cho - admin cottage opens
/ CHZ - admin Lodge closes

/ vo - admin jail opens
/ vz - admin prison closes

Here a screens:

and here download .pwn and .amx

So, write comments...
and apologize in advance that it's all in Czech, perhaps you can translate it: D

Messages In This Thread
[MAP-FS]Admin House SF by Marsalek - by marsalek50 - 17.07.2009, 23:50
Re: [MAP-FS]Admin House SF by Marsalek - by saiberfun - 18.07.2009, 03:22
Re: [MAP-FS]Admin House SF by Marsalek - by kokkie20 - 18.07.2009, 06:55
Re: [MAP-FS]Admin House SF by Marsalek - by kokkie20 - 18.07.2009, 07:00
Re: [MAP-FS]Admin House SF by Marsalek - by marsalek50 - 18.07.2009, 11:18
Re: [MAP-FS]Admin House SF by Marsalek - by kietje123 - 20.07.2009, 17:27
Re: [MAP-FS]Admin House SF by Marsalek - by craponnaruto - 16.08.2009, 22:52
Re: [MAP-FS]Admin House SF by Marsalek - by Xeviez - 01.12.2009, 04:40

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