22.03.2015, 13:20
That has been my point the whole time. Now as I was saying before, we could raycast each axis in both directions (6 axis detection). Say we threw a gun (using the physics include) inside a hangar and we didn't want to go through a wall, we would need to check during each of the frames whether or not there is a collision between the object thrown and its surrounding by 6-axis raycasting. More than one of the rays will detect a close surface nearby so we could calculate the ricochet direction with some math. Once we calculate the direction we calculate the rest of the frames and continue.
Note: This would look better with smaller objects and spheres.
@Pottus, yeah I figured, it's no big deal to me I was just thinking about it when I was mapping my farm and thought about the dynamic hay object.
Note: This would look better with smaller objects and spheres.
@Pottus, yeah I figured, it's no big deal to me I was just thinking about it when I was mapping my farm and thought about the dynamic hay object.