Car wont get thrown

The car isn't getting throwed!!!
But it do spawns and gets removed by its time after being exploded. but dosent throws!
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
	new Float:xx, Float:xy, Float:xz;
	    if(throwing[playerid] == 1)
			new Float:vx, Float:vy, Float:vz, Float:vangle, color1, color2, respawn_delay;
			color1 = random(256), color2 = random(256), respawn_delay = -1;
			GetPlayerPos(playerid, vx, vy, vz);
			GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, vangle);
			new throwveh = CreateVehicle(402, Float:vx, Float:vy, Float:vz, Float:vangle, color1, color2, respawn_delay);
   			GetVehicleVelocity(throwveh, xx, xy, xz);
			SetVehicleVelocity(throwveh, xx+(xx / 5), xy+(xy / 5), xz+(xz / 5));
			SetVehicleHealth(throwveh, 150.0);
			SetTimerEx("RemoveVehicle", 6500, false, "d", throwveh);
 		if(throwing[playerid] == 1)
			ThrowingV[playerid] = SetTimerEx("ThrowingVeh", 1250, true, "d", playerid);
	    if(throwing[playerid] == 1)
	return 1;

public ThrowingVeh(playerid)
            new Float:xx, Float:xy, Float:xz;
    		new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, color1, color2, respawn_delay;
			color1 = random(256), color2 = random(256), respawn_delay = -1;
			GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
			GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, angle);
			new throwveh = CreateVehicle(402, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, color1, color2, respawn_delay);
   			GetVehicleVelocity(throwveh, xx, xy, xz);
			SetVehicleVelocity(throwveh, xx+(xx / 4), xy+(xy / 4), xz+(xz / 4));
			SetVehicleHealth(throwveh, 150.0);
			SetTimerEx("RemoveVehicle", 6500, false, "d", throwveh);
			return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Car wont get thrown - by MafiaOink - 20.03.2015, 08:32
Re: Car wont get thrown[URGENT] - by MafiaOink - 20.03.2015, 09:20
Re: Car wont get thrown - by MafiaOink - 20.03.2015, 11:10
Re: Car wont get thrown - by CalvinC - 20.03.2015, 11:19
Re: Car wont get thrown - by MafiaOink - 20.03.2015, 11:52
Re: Car wont get thrown - by Gammix - 20.03.2015, 11:59
Re: Car wont get thrown - by MafiaOink - 16.07.2016, 17:52

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