zcmd - command log write to other file

Well, as i said i doing this formating on the zcmd include.
i testing a format i made by yours, will inform if its work

    new commands[MAX_STRING]="Logs/CMD_LOG.txt";
	new File:myfile=fopen(commands,io_write);
	new timestring[MAX_STRING];
	new hour,minu,seco,giorno,mese,anno;
	gettime(hour,minu,seco); getdate(anno,mese,giorno);

Messages In This Thread
zcmd - command log write to other file - by Camorra - 19.03.2015, 08:55
AW: zcmd - command log write to other file - by Kaliber - 19.03.2015, 09:04
Re: zcmd - command log write to other file - by Camorra - 19.03.2015, 09:26
AW: Re: zcmd - command log write to other file - by Kaliber - 19.03.2015, 09:28
Re: zcmd - command log write to other file - by Camorra - 19.03.2015, 09:31
AW: Re: zcmd - command log write to other file - by Kaliber - 19.03.2015, 09:52
Re: zcmd - command log write to other file - by Camorra - 19.03.2015, 10:13

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