[FilterScript] Aero's FreeCam

I've parted ways from SAMP and don't want one of my best scripts to go to waste.

No, I don't have pics, and no, I don't have a video. It is a reworked, much more up to date version of a previous script I made found here: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...hlight=freecam

The Brief Changelog:

-changed cam to fc
-added TDs and fcsel
-rewrote move script
-Tweaked move script
-removed cam vector from savecampos
-added /fccred
-Added Widescreen
-added TD background
-Added SlowMode
-Added Mode 2

And the download: http://www.mediafire.com/view/e5078r...3n/freecam.pwn

Messages In This Thread
Aero's FreeCam - by Aerotactics - 18.03.2015, 09:36
Re: Aero's FreeCam - by Kapersky™ - 18.04.2015, 10:28
Re: Aero's FreeCam - by Cookland - 19.04.2015, 08:18
Re: Aero's FreeCam - by Jakwob - 19.04.2015, 14:50

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